Have you ever had a dream that sticks with you? Although I realize I dream when I sleep, I rarely remember much about the dreams.
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I received the Lego Millennium Falcon as a Christmas gift from my brother. I’ve always been a Star Wars fan, so this was a neat
Burt Young died Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at the age of 83. According to IMDB, Young has 168 acting credits to his name. I’ll always
Bob Barker died at the age of 99. He was the host of The Price Is Right for what seemed like forever, but my favorite
This showed up in my recommended videos. I’m a Macho Man fan, so I enjoyed watching this!
I started to do a top 10 list of my favorite comedy movies, but I was having a lot of trouble narrowing it to 10
The top barbershop chorus contest performances of all-time is The Westminster Chorus at the International Barbershop Harmony Society convention in Salt Lake City, Utah on
Number two on the list of top barbershop chorus contest performances of all-time is The Westminster Chorus at the International Barbershop Harmony Society convention in
Anyone that knows me realizes rather quickly that I’m a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. I read and collected comic books when
Number three on the list of top barbershop chorus contest performances of all-time is The Ambassadors of Harmony at the International Barbershop Harmony Society convention