I received the Lego Millennium Falcon as a Christmas gift from my brother. I’ve always been a Star Wars fan, so this was a neat gift to receive from him. I’ve never put together a Lego model before, so I was intrigued at this challenge. I had the Millennium Falcon and X-Wing fighter toys as a kid, but this is a completely different animal.

The puzzle consists of 1,351 pieces. The model number is 75257. It came with an instruction manual and 10 separate bags of Legos. You start with bag one and work your way up to bag 10. If it didn’t come with instructions and the Legos sorted into bags, this might be an impossible task to complete. The box says it is for ages nine and up, but I’m not sure I know any nine year olds that could complete this task. It’s not easy.

The manual didn’t match the number of Legos exactly, as I had a couple or few extra pieces in each bag. I’m not sure if they put them in there in case some are lost or what, but I followed the manual exactly how they laid things out to put it together.

Some of the pieces are very small and it is a very intricate process of putting the Legos together to create the finished product. It gets easier the further you get into it, but it starts out pretty slow. I didn’t do all of it in one sitting, but a friend with experience putting these together said it’s at least a three to four hour project if you want to do it all in one sitting. For me, I laid everything out on the kitchen table and did a little bit at a time when I had the time to put towards getting it done.

This is all the bags of Legos laid out on the kitchen table
Stickers for some of the pieces

Each bag has one or two additional bags within it that contains the smaller pieces. The picture below is the assembled first bag of bag one. As you can see, it doesn’t really look like much at this point because you’re just kind of building the base….

Here is a picture of the Legos of bag one laid out on the table…

Here it finally looked like the base of the Millennium Falcon…

Here is a picture of bag one completed. The Legos from bag two are spread out on the table to the right. I used the plastic Tupperware containers to separate the smaller pieces from the larger pieces.

Here is Lego Chewbacca…

Here is a picture of bag two completed….

Here is a picture when I completed bag three. It doesn’t look like much progress from bag two, but there were a lot of small pieces added to the interior.

Bag five allowed for the beginning of the construction of the shell, as you can see below…

Bag six completed….

Bag seven completed…

Bag eight completed…

Bag nine allowed for constructing half of the roof. Here is bag nine completed…

And finally bag 10 was completed and the Lego Millennium Falcon was fully constructed!

I might buy another Lego Star Wars set to add to my collection. This was kinda fun!

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