Day 13 of the stay at home order brings us to Palm Sunday. I watched mass this morning broadcast from my local parish. It was kind of an odd experience. Easter Sunday will be a different experience than any of us have ever had before.
I’ve had a pretty laid back weekend. Got together with some friends last night, our weekly “normalcy” gathering. It was good to catch up with them. I went to the hardware store last night to get some oil for my mower gas and realized the hardware store had new limited hours that I hadn’t heard about. They close at 6:00 PM now and I got there at 6:10 PM. Make sure you check the new hours of your favorite store before venturing out. I went this morning instead and got the oil and gas and mowed the lawn. Really nice day today. Sunny and 60 degrees. It’s gonna get even warmer this week. The freezing rain we had on Friday is a distant memory.
Not much else to report. WWE Wrestlemania is this weekend and they are doing it on two nights. They are holding it at their training facility in front of no audience. It’s probably pretty interesting to watch. I was listening to the national sports radio station in the car yesterday and the host was breaking down the Wrestlemania matches. I guess there’s really no other sports to talk about, so he was doing that to fill time. You definitely don’t normally hear wrestling talk on the radio!
I may venture out to the grocery store today or wait until tomorrow. Haven’t decided yet. I’m running low on “supplies,” so I’ll definitely have to go tomorrow at the latest. I hope it’s uneventful!
Hope everyone is doing well!