Day 6 of the stay at home order was kind of laid back for me. I am watching the task force press conference and the big news from it is that they extended the social distancing guidelines through the end of April. I wonder if the cities will extend their stay at home orders as a result of that.
I was curious to see how many people were out and about today so I took a drive down 135th street from I-35 to Metcalf. There were cars in the parking lots of all of the hardware stores like Ace, Lowe’s and Menards. There were also lots of cars in every grocery store lot and auto repair shop lot. It appeared many, if not all, of the restaurants were open for curbside pickup and the drive-thrus were open. There were also golfers on the golf course. So obviously there were a lot of people out and about. I’m not being judgemental, just stating my observation.
The photo above is the Sam’s Club parking lot at 4:00 on a Sunday. It would normally be pretty full at this time. I also noticed Academy Sports was open, which I did not expect. Hobby Lobby right next door was closed and I think most of the retail stores along the route were closed.
Some buddies and I have started doing a “No Shave Coronavirus” just for fun. So no shaving until the restrictions are lifted. I took a selfie today, which is my “beard” since I last shaved on Friday morning.
We’ll see how long I can keep this up. Hope to keep it up until this thing is over!
Hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe.