It’s interesting to me how people use social media differently, especially on Facebook. I have a private Facebook account with over 400 friends. I was browsing this morning and thought I’d write a blog post topic of the different ways people use Facebook. I came up with 15 ways people use Facebook. There are probably more, but this is what I’ve got so far. Here goes!
1) The “weather update” friend.
This is a friend that gives weather updates to everyone. I have a couple friends that do this. Whether it’s snow, ice, or a heat wave, they’re always giving updates on the weather. I am guilty of this from time to time, but only when the weather is really bad. I’m out driving at 5:00 every morning so I see it as a public service announcement to warn people if the roads are bad.
2) The “I have a side business that you really should know about” friend.
A good percentage of people on my friends list like to push their side business on Facebook. Whether it’s CBD, SendOutCards, or the latest work from home craze. I’m always surprised at the number of people that do these kind of things.
3) The “this meme is hilarious” friend.
This Facebook friend gets it right some of the time. And some of the time not. What’s funny to me isn’t necessarily what’s funny to you. Anyway, some people REALLY love their memes. All day long, every day.
4) The “hey, we’re at the bar, come join us” friend.
I am guilty of this one, too. The ability to check in at a bar or restaurant and let your friends know where you’re at results in some spontaneous fun a lot of times. However, some people are out WAY too much.
5) The “here’s what I’m having for dinner” friend
Whether it’s out at a restaurant or something you cook at home, sharing a picture of your food seems to be a thing. I’ve been guilty of this from time to time but try not to make a habit of it.
6) The “inspirational quote” friend
A decent percentage of people like to share inspirational messages. It’s not really my thing, but I don’t mind these people. There’s a lot of negativity out there and a little positivity is a good thing.
7) The “family pictures” friend
I’m guilty of this one, only because a certain percentage of people like to see family pictures. A much higher percentage of people are probably sick of seeing them. The minority rules in this case.
8) The “politics” friend
Whether it’s Trump hating or Trump loving, these people like to tell you why they believe what they do. I’ve been guilty of this from time to time, but just because the Trump bashing gets to me.
9) The “I’m at a concert and you’re not” friend
This friend posts pictures and video from concerts they are attending. You can never see much in the video because they have nosebleed seats and the video is dark and blurry.
10) The “vacation” friend
This friend posts pictures when they are on vacation. I actually like these pictures so I do it myself!
11) The “here’s a picture of my feet on the beach or at the pool” friend.
This friend disgusts me. This is one of my biggest pet peeves on Facebook.
12) The “drama” friend
This friend has lots of drama in their lives and wants to vent to everyone on Facebook about it. I’ve eliminated most of these friends from my Facebook feed.
13) The “my pet is awesome and cute” friend
Ah yes, everyone has the best dog or cat in the world and they want you to know it. I don’t have pets, so I just scroll quickly past these posts.
14) The “tries to be funny” friend
This would be me. Sometimes being funny works and sometimes it doesn’t. I try to keep a positive and humorous social media presence. It doesn’t always happen, but it is a goal of mine.
15) The “joke” friend
This is a friend that shares jokes. Not memes, but text jokes. I like that they are trying to make people laugh instead of participating in all of the negativity.
Do you fall into any, many or even all of these categories? What am I missing? Just thought it would be something fun to write about while I’m drinking coffee on a Sunday morning….#joeslife