We’ve reached day 17 of the stay at home order, which is scheduled to end at midnight on April 24th. I commented to some friends the other day that there appears to be a drop in crime or at the very least news outlets aren’t reporting on crime as much. Seems to be all Coronavirus news all the time. I listen to news stations when I’m out an about and they give news updates at the top of each hour. Used to be that you’d hear about the latest robberies and murders during these updates but I haven’t heard much of that lately. I wonder if crime rates are dropping with this stay at home order. Could be a positive unintended result of this.
Had a pretty good day today. One more day until the weekend. My kids are coming over for Easter, so I’m excited about seeing them. We’ll watch Easter Mass online this year!
Can’t wait until everything opens up again. Ready for this weirdness to be over.