So my blog is off to a rousing start. And if you speak sarcasm, you understand that statement. So here’s some random thoughts from Joe.
1) Online dating has to be Satan’s way of saying “I’m here and I’m going to make you suffer.”
2) Had an awesome time with some great friends and my family this weekend. I’m not sure they know how much I appreciate them.
3) I cooked some awesome pork chops on the Traeger for dinner. Nobody was here to appreciate it but me.
4) My Mom and Dad are on a cruise to Alaska and then to Japan. I’m jealous.
5) The Cowboys are on. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are announcing the game. Every fall when football season comes around and I hear these guys I think “these guys are the best two announcers Fox can find?” Then they topped it off by announcing Fox has the Super Bowl this year and they will be announcing it. I might watch the Super Bowl on mute.
6) The only thing I have to look forward to this week is K-State football on Saturday!
7) The next movie I really can’t wait to see is “Rambo: Last Blood.” It looks great.
8) It’s Sunday night. Work tomorrow. Another day, another dollar.
9) There is nothing that interests me on television anymore. Except sports. Am I alone in this?
10) Trump rally tomorrow night. I will be watching.